Set Advanced
Use HTTPS:Go Wallboard can connect to the Broadworks XSP server using XSI over HTTP or HTTPS. Tick this box if HTTPS is required.
Custom XSI Paths:By default, Go Wallboard assumes the extended URLs for the Broadworks XSP Event and Actions paths are /com.broadsoft.xsi-events and /com.broadsoft.xsi-actions/ respectively. In the event of custom paths for the XSP server please enter these here. For example the Event Path might be uk.myvoip.xsi-events and the Action Path uk.myvoip.xsi-actions.
Disable Logging:Turn off Go Wallboard logging.
Subscription Debug Logging:If having issues with some or all agents not reporting correctly this option can be enabled to show a pop-up detailing any errors.
Ignore SSL Errors:Ignore SSL certificate errors If XSI or Proxy has expired SSL certificates.
Force Reconnect on Agent Subscription Errors:If having problems with subscriptions this will force re connection.
Delete Logs After 3 Days:Enabled by default, you can turn it off when debugging an issue and do not need it to remove older logs.