

The Presence window provides a quick way to check the availability of your colleagues:

Presence window

*Note: The administrator may configure user presence differently.

The Presence window is accessible from right-clicking the tray menu:

Presence window tray menu

The Presence window can be docked to the right-hand side of the primary monitor:

Presence window normalised   Presence window maximized and docked

User/Extension details

The current call status is indicated here by the colour of the icon:

User/Extension details

User image/Call status icons

Coloured icons indicate the current call status of each user/extension.

User image/call status icons

Search text or number

A search will display any matching items in the main presence window (if available):

Search text/number to dial box

*Note: If a match is not found, select 'x' to return to the default presence view.

Hover menu

Hovering the mouse cursor on a contact will display the context menu:

Presence window hover menu

Select the phone icon to call the contact:

Make call button

Select the star icon to add contact to favourites:

favorites button

Select the search icon to show more details about the contact:

Show user details

A new window will open displaying contact details:

Contact window details

If you are already on a call, additional options will appear in the presence menu:

Presence window additional options

The Consult transfer option:

Consult button

The Transfer option:

Transfer button

The Search option:

Search option

*Note: See the section entitled 'call control actions' for a detailed description.

Presence options

Presence Options

Group contacts by Department (default), Location, Group, or None:

Sort contacts by Telephone or Name (default):

Presence options sort contact

Call information

When an extension is selected, information about that extension will be displayed:

Presence window call information

External LED

Go Integrator has plug and play compatibility with Kuando Busylight so everyone in the office can see whether a colleague is available for a conversation, busy on the phone, or simply does not want to be disturbed.

Go Integrator Cara

External LED Colour

Available (not on a call) Green
Held Fast flashing yellow (250ms)
Busy (on a call/online meeting) Red
Ringing Flashing red (500ms)
Do Not Disturb / Forward Blue
Voice Mail Slow flashing magenta (1000ms)

For more information of Kuando Busylight, please click here: Kuando Busylight.

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